Monday, October 15, 2007

Take Care Not To Overdose On Vitamins

Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is very popular and a good habit. The United States government established the guidelines for each vitamin and mineral of how much to take within safe levels. But there are a lot of persons who believe that these levels do not correspond to the reality, they think these are too low and the take mega doses of vitamins.

It is recommended for us to ingest the majority of our vitamins and minerals from the real food. This way it is hardly to overdose with them. None of us should think that we can make up for a nasty diet by taking a few pills. In case it is not possible for you to have a balanced diet, or if you are pregnant, it's a good idea to consume extra vitamins.

Vitamins and minerals have an important role in fighting diseases and healing many ills. It is also believed that they can prevent cancer, ease arthritis, stop aging, grow back hair, and many other conditions. With this thought people are spending billions of dollars on Vitamin and mineral supplements, hoping this will cure all their ailments.

The Food and Drug Administration was hesitating in the increasing of RDA of many vitamins for the reason that many studies showed that taking more vitamins than needed is not always better. Some of the vitamins are really harmful in case they are taken in doses more than their levels, but others are harmless. For example taking more than 10000 mg of Vitamin E can increase the possible bleeding.

The Vitamin C is believed as a "safe" vitamin to take in mega doses, and there are many people who take tons of it because it can cure a cold and it can prevent cancer. But the Food and Drug Administration believes that too much Vitamin C is possible to cause diarrhea. Studies also are having some clues that taking overdoses of anti-oxidants during the chemotherapy for cancer, it is possible that you actually are feeding the cancer cells and make them resistant to the chemotherapy.

The best approach to the vitamin and minerals supplements is to take only the wise dose, and if you think you need more of a certain vitamin, consult you doctor before taking overdoses of it, especially in case you are pregnant, about to have a surgery or have a health condition.

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